To properly sing the pieces of the divine Office as well as those of the Mass, the sisters meet several times a week for Gregorian chant rehearsal. This is done in the spirit of the tradition of the Abbey of Solesmes and its choirmaster, Dom Joseph Gajard, in a gentle and rounded technique, taking into account the Latin sentence. Here is what Dom Gajard wrote to the Schola Saint-Grégoire:
«You have come together not only to make religious music, but to praise God, in the very language and with the very accents of His Church: that is, elevating yourself very high above the purely artistic and musical plane, you establish yourself immediately in the midst of the supernatural. For this, I know, is your purpose in dedicating yourself exclusively to the sung prayer of the Church, the Gregorian melody. Believe me, you won't have to regret it. Under its apparent, and perhaps even real, austerity, Gregorian melody hides a power of expression and prayer that only its faithful know. You will find there for your inner life a wonderful help, because it reflects and insinuates in the soul all Christianity, not that anemic Christianity from which we suffer so much today, but true, authentic Christianity, union with God in faith, in peace, in trust, in hope, in love above all, in the filial and full abandonment to God. »
"The liturgy requires the beauty of chant (...) the praise of God requires it (...) it is not a marginal ornament, but the liturgy requires this beauty, requires chant to praise God and give joy to the participants." Benedict XVI