Photos of recent ceremonies at our novitiate, coming soon!
Summer at our Novitiate
Summer Camps with the sister Adorers
Summer in our houses
May in our houses
Holy Week and Easter 2024
Four novices profess their vows
Retreat at Loisy
Five new novices receive the habit
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Photos of recent ceremonies at our novitiate, coming soon!
Photos of recent ceremonies at our novitiate, coming soon!
Summer at our Novitiate
Summer at our Novitiate
Summer Camps with the sister Adorers
Summer Camps with the sister Adorers
Summer in our houses
Summer in our houses
May in our houses
May in our houses
Holy Week and Easter 2024
Holy Week and Easter 2024
Four novices profess their vows
Four novices profess their vows
Retreat at Loisy
Retreat at Loisy
Five new novices receive the habit
Five new novices receive the habit
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Who are we?

United and integrated with the Institute of Christ the Sovereign King Priest and sharing its spirituality, the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest have the particular vocation to pray for the sanctification of priests, especially those of the Institute, and to support them in their apostolates. During their years of novitiate, the postulants and novices are formed in the religious life and seek to unite themselves ever more closely to the divine Master, especially in daily Eucharistic adoration.

Founded in January 2001, the community brings together religious sisters of many diverse nationalities, especially this year when the novitiate opened its doors to postulants from Switzerland, Spain, Brazil, Malaysia, Ukraine, France, and several from the United States... During the first months of their formation, French and Latin classes are emphasized, minds open, travelling around the world and around the cloister, in contact with each other, called and united by Our Lord into one heart, that of the Catholic Church, within our dear Institute.


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